Focus Session: Lifestyle and Wellness
Fine-tune your lifestyle for optimal health, wellness, and energy
Service Description
Alex incorporates her background as a Fitness Technician, an ACE Certified Personal Trainer with Specialized Certifications in Weight Management and Fitness Nutrition, and Wholistic Keto coach to bring you flexible education and guidelines for optimizing your daily mental and physical practices. This service will benefit anyone who: * Desires guidance on how to best harmonize with their surroundings from the inside, out * Wishes to deepen their understanding of energetic receptivity and pathways, and how their self-care will increase or block those interactions * Wants the knowledge, tools, and guidelines necessary to manifest their best physical form in a scientifically-validated, healthy, and simplified manner. This service will include: * A preliminary interview * A physical assessment * Customized nutrition guidelines and recommendations based on client's needs, lifestyle, elements, and goals * A customized workout plan based on your current fitness level, time restrictions, and resources. Requirements for this service will include: - A completed screening questionnaire (available for download) All information you provide will be held in the strictest of confidence. Frequency Focus, LLC, Aalexyz Wilkinson, and her other consultants serve as a reference and guide; their services and consultations are not intended as a substitute for the care of a licensed medical provider. Please keep in mind that individual results vary based on client interest and participation; no outcomes are guaranteed.

Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule any or all appointments, please call or text at least one business day in advance if you wish to receive a refund.
Contact Details